
Posts Tagged ‘RSIS application Ocean Grove’

Speaking of density in Ocean Grove, do you think more condos will do us any good? Paul Goldfinger photo 2015 © Blogfinger.net

Speaking of density in Ocean Grove, do you think more condos will do us any good? Paul Goldfinger photo 2015 © Blogfinger.net

How much do you think the Township paid for the 31 page RISS application for a “special area standard” prepared by Jennifer Beahm,PP, AICP,  of CME Associates?  Whatever the amount, and it is probably a lot of taxpayer dollars, the Township should ask for a refund because it is nonsense; because those 31 pages are a hoax.

The Township has asked the State of New Jersey to carve out Ocean Grove from the RISS standards.  If the State approves, what will OG get?  The RSIS standards require that off-street parking be provided whenever a developer wants to construct a multi-family building which, most of the time. means condominiums or perhaps another  Warrington-style conversion (rest home to hotel.)

Therefore, if this waiver is granted, the next time condos are proposed and given a variance or just an OK from Town Hall, there will be more cars on our already crowded streets.  What a deal!  This approval will allow condos in situations when single family homes would be built instead, as preferred by most OG citizens and by our Master Plan.

The application asserts with a laborious analysis that Ocean Grove has enough parking to meet its needs. It even mentions the hundreds of spaces that Grovers can find nearby in A. Park and Bradley Beach. Essentially they argue that we don’t need the RISS because we don’t need that off-street parking when condos go in.

After all, that has been the MO for years here. Just build it  and then let all occupants  park on the street.  Do you suppose that the Township’s  decision is influenced by the fact that off-street parking is really hard to do in Ocean Grove for reasons of space and is really expensive for developers to provide?   When were any of those earlier condo decisions done to benefit those of us who already live in this town?  Did any of those projects produce a result that was good for our historic/architectural goals, density goals or quality of life goals?

The application argues that OG is quite built-up already, so there won’t be much of that type of activity occurring anyhow. If so, then why bother the SIAB  (Site Improvement Advisory Board) with all this?  Why not just let things be the way they are?  After all, which is better for our town’s historical designations:   more condos or more Victorian style single family homes?      These people talk out of both sides of their mouths in order to achieve a hidden agenda.  It’s the only explanation that makes sense.

The ridiculous part of this sad story is that Neptune is lying to the State as to the reason for the waiver.  The application is full of bull&#  that the waiver is essential to protect Ocean Grove’s historical heritage and quality of life. OMG, they say, we can’t abide the massive amounts of curb cuts that will be needed for the off-street parking.  They  say that curb cuts will reduce the amount of on street parking and threaten our historic designations.  How absurd is that?  I have seen apartment houses in Asbury Park that offer underground parking for many vehicles using one or two curb cuts.   Do you think a net decrease in street parking spaces would be the result of that?

Let’s face it, this has nothing to do with history or even parking,  and everything to do with greed.

The SIAB  (Site Improvement Advisory Board) is supposed to be a group of experts  that will worry about the  historical protection of our town and about what is best for the citizens. But they are being sold a dishonest tale in this application, so  let’s hope they see through the morass of double talk in that document.

I urge all of you to read the application and see how wrong it really is. If the Township is so concerned about OG history and our welfare, then why did they hide this request from us?  You can get a copy of the  document from the Neptune Clerk’s office; just fill out an OPRA form–it is easy to do.

A copy of this article will be forwarded to the NJ Department of Community Affairs.  They do want to hear from citizens of Ocean Grove.

–Paul Goldfinger, Editor @Blogfinger—we need music after reading this.  It’s healthier than alcohol.

LOUDON WAINWRIGHT III  (music from the movie the Aviator)

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